Snakes are
reptiles, and the branch of zoology that deals with this class of animals
is known as "herpetology." The word herpetology is derived from
the Greek word herpeton, which means "a creeping thing".
In the early days of zoology all lowly animals such as amphibians and
reptiles were lumped together in this group of "creeping things,"
and the word herpetology was coined to encompass all of them. Although
the science of zoological classification has advanced tremendously since
those early days, we are still left with the word that includes the study
of all amphibians and reptiles. This is an enormous subject in itself,
and it would seem that it is time that individual researchers in the various
branches of herpetology have their own name. A person who studies snakes,
for example, could be called an "ophiologist" or a "serpentologist".
Evolution of Reptiles
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The reptiles form a class of vertebrate animals intermediate
between the fishes and amphibians on one hand and the higher vertebrates
(the birds and the mammals) on the other. Modern reptiles include the
crocodilians, the turtles, the lizards and the snakes - not forgetting
the lizard-like Tuatara, a single species that has an order all to itself.
Snakes, lizards and Amphisbaenia are closely related and belong to a single
order, Squamata, with three suborders. The ancestors of our modern snakes
and lizards appeared along with the first dinosaurs during the late Triassic
period, almost 200 million years ago, although fossil records of these
reptiles are sparse. The modern lizards (suborder Lacertilia) are likely
to have branched off from the primitive order Eosuchia during the Triassic
period, but the oldest definite fossil links between modern lizards and
their ancestors originated in the Upper Jurassic period, about 140 million
years ago. During the same period, the first bird ancestors arose.
It is generally accepted that modern snakes (suborder Serpentes) arose
from the lizards in the early Cretaceous period, about 130 million years
ago, but there is no hard and fast fossil evidence to link the two suborders.
small lizards and snakes do not make good fossils, as the small, delicate
bones tend to break down or become scattered. Due to this incomplete fossil
evidence, snake evolution is based largely on theory.
The earliest known fossil creatures resembling snakes are from the Cretaceous
period some 130 million years ago. These were short and heavy and had
a mixture of lizard and snake characteristics. Unfortunately, there is
no intermediary evidence to link these creatures with modern snakes.
One of the most widely accepted theories is that all snakes evolved from
burrowing lizards. Certain primitive lizards would have taken to burrowing
into the substrate in order to escape predators and perhaps to hunt other
subterranean creatures (as some modern species still do). This subterranean
existence, over countless generations, would mean that certain modifications
to the body would be necessary for the animal to remain successful. In
the dark, subterranean world, eyes were of little use, so they gradually
became absorbed until only vestiges remained, these being suitable for
detecting the difference between light and darkness. The method of burrowing
meant that limbs also became dispensable, and all snakes have lost their
external limbs (although some have retained limb girdles). External ear
openings would have also been an encumbrance in a subterranean environment,
so these were also lost.
At a further
stage of their evolution, some of these burrowing creatures found it convenient
to return to the surface. In a lighter situation, eyes again became important
so they were redeveloped (although the eyelids were completely lost, the
eyes being under a transparent protective scale called a brille). External
ear openings were also lost, but modern snakes have developed an efficient
mechanism for detecting vibrations through solid surfaces. Additional
adaptations that probably developed during the burrowing period include
a sophisticated method of scenting odours and a highly developed sense
of touch. Most modern snakes still have these attributes.
In spite
of the theory regarding the evolution of modern snakes from burrowing
lizards, there is no modern lizard family that could be construed to be
a link between lizards and snakes. Even the legless amphisbaenians (suborder
Amphisbaenia), which were at one time thought to be lizards “turning into
snakes,” have now been classified into their own suborder. Although they
have some characteristics similar to some found in both snakes and lizards,
they have further unique characteristics that suggest separate evolution.
If the burrowing theory is true, it can only be proved if and when complete
fossils of the intermediate forms are found.
Snake Classification
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Classification is the means by which we categorize the
infinite numbers of animal and plant species found on this planet. Without
a logical system of classification, our biological knowledge of almost
countless organisms would be in a most untidy state to say the least.
Our present method of classification is based on the work of the Swedish
botanist Carl von Linne, generally know as Linnaeus (1707-1778). He devised
a system called the "binomial system of nomenclature" in which
every kind of animal and plant is given a double name, the first part
being that of the genus, the second that of the species. For international
communication purposes Latin was the major language used by scientists
at the time, and it is therefore not surprising that Linnaeus used this
language as a basis for his system, although a fair amount of Greek and
a smattering of other languages have also found their way into it.
As an example, the Indian Python has the scientific name of Python
molurus, Python being the genus and molurus being the
specific part of the name. As there are other types of Python in the genus,
these are given different specific names (for example: Python reticulatus,
Python sebae, etc.). In some cases a subspecific name may be added
to the binomial, making it a trinomial. This is the case when two geographical
races of a species are different, but not different enough to warrant
separate species classification. For example, the Indian Python comes
in two different geographical races sometimes referred to as the "light
phase" and the "dark phase." The former is the true Indian
Python and the typical or nominate subspecies, so it is named Python
molurus molurus. The latter (sometimes referred to as the Burmese
Python) is an eastern race or subspecies that has been given a subspecific
name of Python molurus bivittatus.
For further classification, species are arranged in genera, genera in
families, families in orders, orders in classes and so on, in ascending
order, based on differences and similarities between them. One of the
most convenient ways of illustrating the classification of of a particular
species is to refer to a table. The following table shows as an example
the classification of the Indian Python.
Indian Python)
m. molurus
m. bivittatus
and Snakes
and Boas
Phase Indian Python
Phase Indian or Burmese Python
In normal
text, scientific names (genus, species, and subspecies only) are usually
printed in italic script. When no italics are available, the names are
customarily underlined. It is quite in order to abbreviate a binomial
(or subspecific trinomial) once it has been mentioned in full in the text.
For example: Python molurus bivittatus can be abbreviated to P.
m. bivittatus.
There are four orders in the modern class Reptilia: Chelonia (tortoises
and turtles), Crocodylia (crocodiles and alligators), Rhynchocephalia
(the Tuatara), and Squamata (lizards, amphisbaenians, and snakes). Snakes
therefor form a suborder (Serpentes) of the reptiles, sharing the
order Squamata with the lizards (Lacertilia) and the amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia).
There are about 3000 species of modern snakes arranged in some 11 families
and 354 genera.
In the following
table, a simplified classification of the snake families is given. In
the table, the snake families have been placed in their theoretical order
of evolution. The blind snakes are considered to be the most primitive
while the venomous snakes are the most highly developed. It can be seen
that the family Boidae is somewhere near the middle of the scale, so pythons
and boas, although not as primitive as the blind snakes are not as highly
developed as the colubrids and the venomous snakes.
Snake Families
Approx. Number
of Genera
Approx. Number
of Species
(Blind Snakes)
(Thread Snakes)
(Cylinder Snakes)
(Pythons and Boas)
(Sunbeam Snake)
(Wart Snakes)
(Typical Snakes)
(Cobras, Mambas etc.)
(Sea Snakes)
(Vipers and Pit Vipers)
Biology - Back to top
It is generally recognized that
there are six classes of vertebrate animals, the most advanced (in evolutionary
terms) being the Mammalia (mammals), followed by Aves (birds), Reptilia
(reptiles), Amphibia (amphibians), Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and Chondrichthyes
(cartilaginous fishes). Snakes, being reptiles, are therefore contained
somewhere near the middle of the evolutionary scale in the subphylum Craniata
(vertebrates). All reptiles posses certain combinations of anatomical,
morphological, and behavioral characteristics unique to themselves, making
them different from all the other vertebrate groups. The simplest recognizable
characteristics of reptiles is that they have a scaly skin, they respire
by means of lungs, and they are poikilothermic ("cold-blooded,"
relying on environmental conditions such as sunlight in order to control
their temperatures). No other class of vertebrates posses the combination
of all of these three attributes. Fishes may have a scaly skin and be
poikilothermic, but they do not possess conventional lungs; birds may
have scales on their legs and possess lungs, but they are homoiothermic
("warm-blooded," with a constant normal body temperature controlled
by internal metabolism); amphibians may have lungs but they do not have
a scaly skin; mammals are neither scaly skinned or poikilothermic.
In spite of the apparent disadvantage of being poikilothermic, reptiles
are able to control their body temperature to a certain extent by a process
known as "thermoregulation." They do this by moving in or out
of the sun or other warm places, by flattening their bodies, and by using
various appendages to gain extra warmth from the sun's rays. In general,
it can be said that reptiles have a great dependence on thermoregulation,
and this is a major factor when designing captive housing.
increase in size and range of species as one approaches the tropics, because
the climates in these regions allow activity for most of the year. In
contrast, the temperate regions contain fewer species that are relatively
small and are forced to hibernate during the winter months. Most species
of pythons and boas come from the tropics, however, and do not require
long periods in hibernation.
In spite of the limits of environmental preferences, snakes have managed
to colonize a remarkably high percentage of the earth's surface; they
are only completely absent from areas of high latitude and altitude, where
the presence of permafrost precludes the opportunity of frost-free hibernation.
Even so, a few species manage to survive near, if not within, the Artic
Circle (for example Vipera berus, the European Common Adder, and
Thamnophis sirtalis, the American Common Garter Snake), while in
the Southern Hemisphere Bothrops ammodytoides, an Argentine pit
viper, is found as far south as latitude 50. Such cold-climate snakes
are active for only 3 or 4 months of the year, and it is remakable that
such species are able to complete ongoing life cycles in these unlikely
environments. The winter months are spent in a state of torpor in a frost-free
refuge, usually well below the surface of the ground in a burrow or crevice.
In spite
of its long cylindrical shape, a snake possesses all of the essential
internal organs that mammals have, but of course they are modified to
fit into the narrower space. In the Boids, for example, the left lung
usually is reduced or absent, only the right lung being fully functional.
Looking at the exterior of a typical, snake we will see that there is
a head that usually is fairly distinct from the body, a narrower neck
running into the body, and, finally, a tail. The body is covered with
dry over-lapping scales arranged somewhat in the manner of tiles on a
roof. Most Boids have smooth, glossy scales, but in some species these
may have a dull finish. Colors vary from species to species, and in most
cases, including all of the Boids, the function is camouflage to help
the snake hide from predators and to confuse its own prey.
Perhaps the
most obvious point about all snakes is that they are limbless, although
some of the more primitive families posses a vestigial pelvic girdle,
an indication of evolution from limbed reptiles. The pythons and boas
possess such a pelvic girdle and, in addition, the vestiges of the hind
limbs appear as "spurs" on either side of the cloaca. In most
non-burrowing and non-aquatic species the ventral scales are many times
larger and broader than those on the rest of the body. The belly often
has a single row of these broad scales that play an important part in
the locomotion of terrestrial and arboreal species.